TP Expertise
PEM fuel cells, batteries, recycling, calayst coated membranes, battery management systems, sustainability - Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC)
CERC assists partners to develop PEM fuel cells and battery management systems for various industrial applications. We can also develop environmental friendly battery recycling systems.
Contact: Teow Yiwei
Solid waste (ash, plastics, wood) recycling, Cementous 3D printing, building
materials, food waste valorisation, sustainability - Centre for Urban Sustainability
CUS assists partners to develop processes and formulations to incorporate
solid waste streams into building materials. We have also developed technologies
to turn fruit waste into useful products.
Contact: Teow Yiwei
Seed priming, seed treatment, seed germination recipes, soil microbiome - Centre for Research and Opportunities in Plant Science (CROPS)
CROPS develops seed priming, treatment and germination recipes with microbes and/or LED lights to improve crops performance. We also investigate microbiome of soil for better plant health and nutrition.
Contact: Teow Yiwei
Aquaculture health and disease, feed and nutrition, oral vaccine - Aquaculture Innovation Centre (AIC)
AIC develops animal feed, including the use of alternative protein and oil and conduct of performance testing and field trials. We develop animal health management solutions, including rapid diagnostic kits, disease treatment and prevention strategies.
Contact: Teow Yiwei
Glycemic index testing, healthier food development, ready to eat (RTE)
meals, Therapeutic nutrition, sensory evaluation - Centre for Applied Nutrition
Services (CANS)
CANS develops healthier food products, including meals and staples (noodles),
and specialised meals for healthy subjects and patients. We are the only
accredited centre in Singapore for glycemic index testing for food products.
Contact: Teow Yiwei
Chemical & Biological Analysis, TCM, Complementary health products, safety, authenticity, efficacy, herbs, in vivo and in vitro testing - Centre of Innovation for Complementary Health Products (COI CHP)
COI CHP supports enterprises in the provision of innovative and customised solutions to enhance the safety, efficacy and quality standards of complementary health products.
Contact: Teow Yiwei
Point-of-care device, microfluidics, sensor, wearable sensor, biosensor
- Healthcare Engineering Centre (HEC)
HEC develops biosensor and microfluidic-based platforms and devices for
human health diagnosis and monitoring. We also develop flexible and wearable
sensors for health analysis and various applications
Contact: Teow Yiwei
Autonomous mobile robots, robotics, automation, inspection, service, clearning, built environment - Robotics and Automation Centre (RAC)
RAC develops customisable robots and automation systems for industry for use in manufacutring, construction, healthcare & service, facilities management industries.
Contact: Teow Yiwei
Drone, tethered, unmanned arial vehicle (UAV), unmanned aerial systems
(UAS) - Aviation Research Centre (ARC)
ARC develops customisable drones for industry for various payload, flight
times and power systems (batteries, tethered, fuel cells).
Contact: Teow Yiwei
Industrial IOT, sustainability, manufacturing, digitalisation, automation - Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC)
AMC assists companies to digitalise and/or automate their process to enhance productivity and monitor sustainability performance. We also implement predictive analytics solutions for the industry to facilitate their opertions.
Contact: Teow Yiwei
3D printing, additive manufacturing - Digital Fabrication and Additive
Manufacturnig Centre (DFAMC)
DFAMC supports companies to adopt additive manufacturing as a novel production
method. Our support ranges from design, pre-processing, production to post-processing.
Contact: Teow Yiwei
Immersive media, digital twin, data analytics, artificial intelligence, dashboard, IT solutions, IoT - Enabling Technology Collaboratory (ETC)
ETC supports companies through development of immersive media packages, and solutions incorporating data analytics, IOT and artificial intelligence.
Contact: Teow Yiwei